Saturday, November 14, 2009

How do you get big sexy waves in your hair?

I have medium/long length hair and I want big gorgeous waves for the holidays, but have no idea how to get them. I have a lot of styling products and am willing to go out and get more if needed. Please help!

How do you get big sexy waves in your hair?

i'm a hairdresser. big , velcro rollers or foam rollers left in over night ..will create waves..or go for a gentle body perm with huge rollers..also try the big sexy hair line of products.

How do you get big sexy waves in your hair?

oh hecky naw go get some wave grease and brush and water u will have waves not to be mean but im not caucasian and i would know , if you have mixed hair Report It

How do you get big sexy waves in your hair?

Hair gel and lots of it. Start a wave with a handful of gel, then wait for it to dry. Next, go and repeat until you get the height you desire! :)

How do you get big sexy waves in your hair?

The best way is to use empty beer cans as rollers, they are lite and work well Mike

How do you get big sexy waves in your hair?

wash ur hair

then wait till it drys

then put conditioner and comb through

then Srunch ur hair with her head up side down thus making waves or Curls

plus it makes your hair smell real good

How do you get big sexy waves in your hair?

I do my curls whit a hot curl ,then I put musse and gel and do it whit a hair blower

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