Thursday, November 12, 2009

Does anyone remember a kids tv program with a caveman with a very full head of hair and a big nose o

He pushed a wheel barrow about with rocks and i think he was called Jeremy!! he looked a bit like the end of a chimney sweep brush!! lol

Does anyone remember a kids tv program with a caveman with a very full head of hair and a big nose on bbc?

Hairy Jeremy definately, he had dinosaur friends and hairy jeremy left one of his ostrich friends out in the cold and the ostrich froze solid!

(how sad it that for a 30 something woman to know?)

Does anyone remember a kids tv program with a caveman with a very full head of hair and a big nose on bbc?

Captain Caaaaaavveeee Maaaa-aa--aaaa-aaaaa-nnnnn!!

Does anyone remember a kids tv program with a caveman with a very full head of hair and a big nose on bbc?

yep thats captain caveman

Does anyone remember a kids tv program with a caveman with a very full head of hair and a big nose on bbc?

I remember Captain Caveman. His name was not Jeremy. It was not on bbc but was Hanna-Barbara cartoon.

Does anyone remember a kids tv program with a caveman with a very full head of hair and a big nose on bbc?

captain caaaaaaavemaaaaaaaaaaan oh bring back the 80's

Does anyone remember a kids tv program with a caveman with a very full head of hair and a big nose on bbc?

lo he not jeremy he ccccaaaaaappppptttttttaaaaaainnnnnn ccaavvveeemmmmaaaaaannnnn

Does anyone remember a kids tv program with a caveman with a very full head of hair and a big nose on bbc?

captain cave man i loved this programme

Does anyone remember a kids tv program with a caveman with a very full head of hair and a big nose on bbc?


That would have to be ...



Does anyone remember a kids tv program with a caveman with a very full head of hair and a big nose on bbc?

i think it was called hairy jeremy actually

Does anyone remember a kids tv program with a caveman with a very full head of hair and a big nose on bbc?

Captain Caveman. Gosh i used to love that cartoon

Does anyone remember a kids tv program with a caveman with a very full head of hair and a big nose on bbc?

The Flintstones

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