Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Has anyone here tried the new Infiniti Hair Designer by Conair? If yes, let me know if it really wor

Conair just came up with a new version of the original ( and bigger) Infiniti Hair Designer, and acording to the adds, it dries, straightens, and I guess also polishes the hair, all with one appliance. This product is a little expensive so, i'd like to hear what people have to say about it before considering to buy it.

Has anyone here tried the new Infiniti Hair Designer by Conair? If yes, let me know if it really works.?

Yes, I recently purchased the Infiniti and I really like it. It does in fact, detangle, dry and straighten my hair - and in about 1/2 the time it took to do these things before with just a regular hair dryer and a ceramic straightener - those took about an hour total, now my naturally curly/wavy hair is sleek, straight, shiny and smooth in about 35 minutes (I have thick hair - if you don't it will take much less time).

When I wear my hair straight using the Infiniti dryer, I do still use a relaxing balm or cream (because of the natural curliness) but I am able to use a bit less and use it only on the hard to straighten areas.

For me, it was worth the money, and that is saying something because I am a FRUGAL girl! As far as making my hair shinier - I truly can't say, because I color my hair and that makes it super shiny anyway, so I haven't noticed any difference with that. Also, it took me a couple of sessions with the dryer to get the hang of it (but I can be kinda slow on the uptake sometimes, lol)

So that's my real world testimony for you.

Here are a couple off of Conair's website:

"I enjoy your product so much because I finally have a hair straightener that straightens my hair and keeps it straight for the whole day. Also I love your product because it makes my hair so much more healthier. It makes my hair shinier, too. Also it is so easy to use! It only takes me about 10 minutes to get all of my hair the exact way that I want it to look. My parents thought that your product was a little pricey, but when they saw how well my hair looked and how easy it was to use, they were glad that they got their money閳ユ獨 worth of your product. By far, this is the best product I have ever used from Conair."

"For the first time not only is my hair straight, but I didn閳ユ獩 have to use a straightener and it took less than 20 minutes to blow dry."

Has anyone here tried the new Infiniti Hair Designer by Conair? If yes, let me know if it really works.?

It all depends on the texture of your hair and its current condition as to how it responds. In my case I tried it and I wasn't particularly impressed.

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